God’s Greatest Miracle

Lesson:  You are precious in God’s eyes
Bible Passage:  Matthew 10, Luke 12

This one requires some work and the procurement of a mirror.  Find a book at a thrift store that is very large.  Not thick, but large, like a children’s picture book.  You want the book large so that the children will see it but keep it as light as possible.  Make it a “Hollow Book.”  This is a cool trick for any book and it isn’t difficult. 

To make a Hollow Book, you need a box cutter and a ruler.  Determine the size of your hole.  You will want to cut the pages out of the book large enough to fit the mirror, which will be glued on the inside back of the book, but enough paper to still look like a book when the book is closed.  Using the cutter and the ruler as a straight edge, begin slicing the pages in the book.  You will probably slice through eight pages at a time.  Be patient – this won’t take long.  Once the hole is cut, glue the mirror on the inside back of the book, so that when the book is opened, you will easily see the mirror.

Make a fake book cover, titled GOD’S GREATEST MIRACLE.

Tell the children you have a book which shows God’s greatest miracle.  Ask them if they can imagine what is in the book.  Tell them God has made every magnificent thing in the world and beyond, but this is God’s Greatest Miracle.  When the children have stopped guessing, slowly open the book so all of them can see that God’s greatest miracle … is them.

If possible, show the congregation what you have shown the children.

Close in prayer, thanking God for all the gifts God has given you, but most importantly, the gift OF you.