Children Are The Heart of The Church

LESSON: Children are the Heart of the Church

BIBLE PASSAGE: 1 Corinthian 12; 12-27

If given around Valentine’s Day, hearts can be found in many forms. In this presentation, the Children were given a heart on a stick and a sticker heart to put on.  Note: After church, there were 20 extra sticker hearts and all were taken and worn!

In our Bible reading today, we learned that our church is made up of various parts of the body.  The legs of the church could be your family that brought you here. The brains of the church might be our Pastor or the Chair of our church commissions. The hands of the church are the members of our Plants and Facilities, who keep our ground so pretty. Also, the Worship Committee, who decorates our sanctuary so pretty. But what about you? What are you in relation to the church? (Open box and pull out a heart for all to see) You — are the HEART of the church. All that we do here centers around making sure you know about Jesus and his love for every one of you. This heart is to remind you of how important you are to all of us.
And this sticker is for you to wear. And when someone asks you about it today, you can say, “I am the heart of my church.”

(Present stickers individually, if possible, saying, “Parker – you are the heart of this church.”  “Emily – you are the heart of this church,” etc. Take your time in doing this. Pause for each child, looking them in the eye as you put the sticker on them.)

Close in prayer.