Turning Over the Tables – Getting Angry Jesus Style!

Lesson:  How to deal with anger – Jesus Style!
Bible Passage:  Matthew 21:11-13, Mark 11:14-16, John 2:13-16
Any pizza delivery business has small plastic “tables” which are used to keep the box from smashing into the pizza.  Acquire enough for each child.  Most establishments will give them to you.

The Bible only has one instance where Jesus appears to be very angry.  There are times he is disappointed or even annoyed, but only when he overturns the tables of the money changers can we see Jesus being angry.

Never doubt that Jesus is peace; Jesus is love.  And in knowing Jesus, we know peace and we know love.  So what should we do when we get angry?  (Pull out a pizza “table”)  Well, we can do what Jesus did and (demonstrate) flip over the table.

After we have done this, maybe we can find out why we are so angry.  Did someone say something mean?  Did someone hurt us?  Maybe we can ask why they did that.  Oftentimes, people do things in anger or ignorance that they later regret.  But I promise you, if you ever get that angry, do what Jesus did — and flip over the table.