The Feather and The Brick

Lesson:  Don’t be tempted but do right instead

Bible Passage:  Matthew 4:1-11 (Jesus is tempted by the devil)

Hold up a brick for the children to see.  Ask them “Who is this?”

 Tell them “This is you.”

Now hold up a small feather.  Ask them “Who is this?  This is also you.”

“As Christians, you know God’s way of love and Jesus’ way peace.  And when the devil tries to tempt you to do wrong, you are a brick.  Watch what happens when you are a brick (place the brick where the children can see it) and someone says (speak to the brick) “Let’s go play a mean trick on someone!” Or “Let’s sneak some candy, even though we were told not to!”  Or maybe the devil whispers to you, “You don’t have to respect your folks.  Be rude to them!”

Notice how I say these things to you, the brick.  You don’t move.  I say (yelling) “Come on, let’s go have some fun!  You can do your chores later!”  Or I’ll say “What’s more important, a party Saturday night with friends or dumb, ol’ Sunday School?”

See how the brick doesn’t move?  That’s you, because you have something strong in you, stronger than anyone else.  And if you keep it strong in you, you will always do right.

But what about this feather?  Well, this feather is you too.  Because when you hear the voice of Jesus reminding you how to be, you move instantly.  Watch this – (Put feather where children can see it) “Put Your Love in God” (Blow softly as you speak, especially on the “P” in Put, so the feather moves).

“Did you see that?  Now watch this.”  Replace feather.  “Love those who are your neighbor.”  (Replace feather)  “Love those who are your enemy.  Follow the ten commandments.” (Notice that these words create a “blowing” action)

“When Jesus speaks, we need to move immediately to action.”

“So for Jesus, we are light as a feather.  And for the devil, we are heavy as a brick.  Can you remember that?”