Jesus’ Love Is A Hoop

Message:  Jesus Loves You and is Always with You and Around You
Bible Passage:

You will want to have more than one Hula Hoop, if you can. I found mine at the Dollar Store.  Also, it is key that you learn to “backspin” your hula hoop.  This is done by throwing it forward, but just before releasing it, you pull down on the hoop, so it is spinning toward you.  This will ensure it returns.

Who can tell me what this is (holding the hoop)?  This is Jesus’ love for you.  Let me explain why this represents Jesus’ love.  As you can see, just like Jesus’ love, there is no beginning and no end.  Jesus’ love for you never started and will never finish – it always has been and always will be.
Also, there may come a time when you don’t think you need Jesus.  You may say, “I’m grown-up and I don’t need Jesus.” (Throw the hoop with the backspin.) But even though you may dismiss Jesus, he will always come back to you. You may turn your back to him (Throw the hoop again) but he is always there for you.  (Sometimes the hoop doesn’t return.  At this point, say “Sometimes it will take a friend who will reconnect you to Jesus.”  Repeat with emphasis until someone gets the idea that they are to return the hoop.)

Another reason this hoop represents Jesus’ love is because (Hold the hoop over the child and bring it down.  If you have enough hoops to give each child, take the hoop all the way to the bottom and leave it there) Jesus is always around you. You are surrounded by Jesus’ love, night and day, all the time.
(Throw hoop with NO backspin down the aisle and out the door) Now let’s go to Sunday School and learn more.

A video of this is available at Jesus’ Love is a Hoop!