Many churches set aside a special service to remember those in the church family who have passed away during the past year. This is the Moment presented on November 6, 2022 at Bethany Presbyterian Church in Sacramento and it was extremely well received.
Small mirrors (compacts) can be found at our friendly Dollar Store and these were decorated with the phrase “I Am A Child of God.”
Today is a very special Sunday. We have set aside this Sunday to remember all those in our family and our church family who have died and gone on.
Later on, we will be lighting candles to remember those family members. If you have someone you want to remember, tell your folks and they will help you light a candle for them.
Right now I want to show you something (hold up compact) that has all the wonderful people in your life who came before you. Maybe your grandparents or great grandparents or aunts and uncles and people you have never met are all contained in this little container. It holds your folks and their folks and every person who was ever in your family. Each one of you gets one and when you open it, there will be a reminder of all who came before you.
(Opens compact to see a mirror)
Ask “Who do you see?” (Hopefully, the children answer, “I see me.”)
You are a result of all those who came before you. Some may say “You have your Mother’s eyes” or “You look just like Grandpa at that age,” but none of what you are is possible without the family you have. And all these things make you extraordinary and wonderful and unique.
And what makes you so wonderful is that you know you are loved – by your family and your church family and especially by God, who loves all his children. And never forget that love and never forget that YOU… are a Child of God.