Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Thank you for visiting www.ChildrensMoments.net. I sincerely hope this website helps bring you and those you love closer to the love that comes from knowing God.
A “Children’s Moment” can be known by a great many names but in my experience it is the part of the service that is set aside specifically for the school-age or preschool age members of the Congregation, usually before they are dismissed for Sunday School.
These “Moments” are original with me. They are offered to you to use in church or in another faith or positive-living setting. These Moments are designed for Christian churches, but many can be adapted to other faiths or simply as encouraging words. You can find over 160 Children’s Moments on this website by clicking on the CHILDREN’S MOMENTS at the top of this page. Some of them are full-blown scripts with YouTube attachments and others are mere wisps of an idea. You have my permission to use these freely and I encourage you to adapt them to your own needs.
A new development to this page is the Search Bar, which you will find at the bottom of the page and allows you to put in Biblical passages, specific words, events, or anything else related to your presentation.
Here are some tips that I hope are helpful:
- Remember that a good Moment is short – absolutely no longer than five minutes.
- A good Children’s Moment is addressed to the youth.
- Don’t be cute or patronizing.
- Address your young audience as you would an adult audience.
- This is the time for the children; adults who listen will learn as well, but save the “grown-up” sermon for them.
- Get to know your local Dollar Store. Many of these Moments are “Object Lessons” and you can find inexpensive hand outs there.
- Despite the advice of every other well-meaning presenter, I recommend AGAINST involving the children – asking them questions or having them participate – unless the Moment calls for it. The participants will inevitably derail your carefully crafted message and not for the better. I know this is heresy and you will believe me the first time you go against this advice.
- Most importantly, have fun. If you’re not having fun, there is no point in doing these.
As I said, you have permission to use these, but they belong to me. This website is published out of love and is absolutely free.
If you wish to reach me for any reason, I am at jimguida@sbcglobal.net. May God bless your ministry